Wedge-tailed Eaglet at 12 weeks
At twelve weeks of age the young eagle has taken its first short flights. In this short video the adult wedge-tailed eagles observe from a nearby tree while the young eagle tests its wings from a stump below the nesting tree.
Wedge-tailed Eaglet at 8 weeks
The eaglet is becoming stronger and is able to move freely around the nest with confidence.
Wedge-tailed Eaglet at 6 weeks
At six weeks of age, the Wedge-tailed Eaglet is getting a good covering of darker feathers coming through the white down.
Wedge-tailed Eaglet at 5 weeks
At five weeks of age, the Wedge-tailed Eaglet is starting to show quite a few of the darker feathers coming through. It is spending a lot more time confidently moving around the nest and flapping those little wings.
Wedge-tailed Eaglet at about 4 weeks old
I visited the nest with the new Wedge-tailed Eaglet again today, and was happy to see some good progress. The eaglet is looking very strong and healthy and has been eating well.
Black-shouldered Kites finding their wings
A pair of juvenile Black-shouldered Kites take to the air on their young wings.
New addition to the Wedge-tailed Eagle family
It’s that time of year again, and my favourite breeding pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles are raising yet another new family member.
Black-shouldered kites
The Black-shouldered Kites are quite active at the moment, and are taking advantage of the high number of mice in the fields.
Brown Falcons
The Brown Falcons are quite active, and spend a large part of their day chasing each other around, while also avoiding the constant harassment from the Black-shouldered Kites and Nankeen Kestrels.
News story on ABC News - Spotted tail quolls
In December 2021 the ABC aired this story on the reintroduction of spotted tail quolls into the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary. I contributed some of the quoll footage used.
Rakali (native water rat)
I had been sitting patiently waiting for … when i heard some rustling in the reeds to my left.
News article in About Regional - My work with echidnas
In November 2021 Sally Hopman wrote a lovely article for About Regional that featured the volunteer work I do with echidnas in the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary and the growing public interest in echidna behaviours.
Not an owl…
Sleeps during the day, hunts at night, has beautiful big orange eyes and flies silently on downy wings. It even looks kind of like an owl, but it’s not one.
Short video - Rakali
The Rakali, a native water rat, is featured in this short video. It uses footage I collected over a number of weeks of observing a local population.